Navigating Leadership Transitions: A Case Study in Effective Executive Search

Effective leadership transitions are pivotal moments in the life of any nonprofit organization. They require careful planning, collaboration, and expert guidance to ensure a seamless transition and continuity of mission-driven work. At Pathway Group, we understand the importance of these transitions and specialize in providing tailored executive search services rooted in collaboration and stakeholder engagement. In this post, we’ll delve into a case study that highlights the effectiveness of our approach, as shared by Heather Koopman, Board Co-Chair of the Park City Education Foundation.


The Park City Education Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting educational excellence in Park City, Utah, found itself facing a significant leadership transition following the departure of a long-tenured leader. Recognizing the need for a structured approach to finding their new CEO, Heather Koopman, in her role as Co-Chair of the Board, turned to Pathway Group for expert guidance.

Like many nonprofit organizations undergoing leadership transitions, the Park City Education Foundation faced numerous challenges. The departure of a respected leader left a void that needed to be filled with someone who not only possessed the necessary skills and experience but also aligned closely with the organization’s vision and values. Furthermore, the Board and staff needed to ensure alignment and buy-in throughout the search process to facilitate a smooth transition.

Pathway Group’s Approach:

Pathway Group’s collaborative approach to executive search proved instrumental in guiding the Park City Education Foundation through every step of the process. From the outset, our team worked closely with both the Board and staff to understand their needs, aspirations, and organizational culture. We crafted a comprehensive Position Profile that captured the essence of the CEO role and the desired qualifications.

By partnering with Pathway Group, the Park City Education Foundation was able to navigate the executive search process with confidence. From sourcing top-tier candidates to managing the interview process efficiently, Pathway Group demonstrated exceptional leadership, ultimately leading to the selection of a remarkable new CEO. Thanks to their efforts, the Board can now focus on supporting the new CEO’s success rather than being bogged down by the search process. Their experience serves as a powerful example of the benefits of a collaborative and stakeholder-driven approach to executive search. By involving both the Board and staff from the outset and leveraging expert guidance from Pathway Group, nonprofit organizations can ensure a smooth transition and identify great candidates who are well-suited to support their future objectives.

If your organization is facing a leadership transition, we invite you to partner with us and experience the Pathway Group difference. Together, we can chart a course for a successful future.