Aspen Magdalene House: A Beacon of Hope in the Fight Against Human Trafficking

In 2018, a group of 55 concerned community members gathered to discuss the issue of human trafficking in Utah.  From this collective concern emerged the vision for the Aspen Magdalene House: a beacon of hope dedicated to providing sanctuary and support for survivors of trafficking.

Last month, the Aspen Magdalene House celebrated a significant milestone – the successful culmination of a capital campaign and the acquisition of a home that will serve as a refuge for survivors, offering shelter, care, and healing over two years.

What sets Aspen Magdalene House apart is its holistic approach to survivor care. In addition to providing shelter and support, the organization operates a social enterprise, empowering survivors with skill-building opportunities and meaningful employment. Through this initiative, survivors not only rebuild their lives but also become part of a lifelong sisterhood of support.

Aspen Magdalene House’s journey to success was not without its challenges. Yet, through the guidance and support of volunteers, board members, and strategic partnerships, they persevered. Today, they share the valuable lessons that helped pave the way:

Cultivate Connections

One key lesson learned was the importance of having the right leadership and connections. With the support of dedicated volunteers aligned with their mission, Aspen Magdalene House inspired others to join their cause.

Embrace Expertise

“I needed (Pathway Group) to tell me that we had what it takes.”

Jana Christensen, Co-Chair

Working with experts proved to be instrumental in their journey. Through strategic guidance and specific direction, they gained the confidence and clarity needed to navigate the complex challenges that lay ahead. 

Trust the Process

The support of Pathway Group extended beyond fundraising to include organizational development and strategic planning. From crafting a robust business plan to organizing fundraising efforts, taking these specific steps propelled Aspen Magdalene House toward success.

Looking Ahead

Aspen Magdalene House is poised to open its doors to survivors, with plans to initially accommodate four women. With ongoing community engagement initiatives in place, they are committed to both serving survivors and keeping their donors informed and engaged. 

As Aspen Magdalene House prepares to embark on this new chapter, they stand as a testament to the power of compassion, resilience, and community. If you’d like to learn more about the Aspen Magdalene House, please visit their website at